How ‘Good People’ turn ‘Evil’ in Maik Nwosu's "Alpha Song": A Luciferian Analysis
This paper seeks to understand through an analysis of Maik Nwosu's Alpha Song how good people turn evil. The paper is predicated on the need to reappraise the basis for the moral judgments that often lead individuals to being labelled as evil. It adopts a Luciferian framework (which engages with the idea of evil, situations that create it and the systems that birth it) for the analysis. The study establishes that self defense in reaction to certain stimuli is an attribute of human existence throughout the living world which is not limited or determined by time, space, culture, religion, sex, and species. It argues that pursuant to the circumstances of its occurrence, these reactions are not always societally acceptable and may often be termed evil. It claims that the transition processes in humans are patterned after a prototype which involves the manipulation of situations and that there is a general link in the wrongs which happen all around. While the centripetal motifs of vices are essentially one, particular situations take on immensities on greater or lesser scales depending on the immediacy of the situation, the exaction of force by the system, and the individual's resistance.