Prepositions in Igálà

  • Folorunso Ilori
Keywords: preposition; spatial nouns; null-head; syntax; semantics


Previous studies on Igala grammar are unanimous on the claim that the language employs body parts, place nouns, and certain verbs as prepositions. This study questions the claim from both syntactic and semantic points of view and argues to the contrary that the items analysed as body parts and/or place prepositions are N1 spatial nouns in an [N1 N2] genitive phrase complement of preposition in a structural context where the preposition head is phonetically spelt-out null in the syntax. Given its exclusive locative-goal denotation, the paper argues that in contexts like tú unyí un ‘to his/her house’ is a lexicalization of preposition in Igálà.

Author Biography

Folorunso Ilori

Department of Linguistics, African and Asian Studies

University of Lagos


